
informační systém pro golfové kluby a resorty

GolferIS informační systém golfový klub CRM jamkovka match play eklektik



Information system for golf clubs is modern and intuitive. It enables to keep the agenda of club members, their membership fees and history of communication with members. Other features are sports based. Graphically well-arranged match play, which is easily presented on the club´s website and also increasingly popular eclectic. This mode of play attracts players repeatedly on HCP days or other tournaments where the eclectic is deployed. The results of the year-round tour can also be presented by using the information system on the club website in a clear form. A new feature is the „starting list“ module, which during its testing in 2019 incited enthusiasm among club management and players.

An important part of the system is personalized emailing, including basic analytics, which allows you to inform your club members about the information that is relevant to them. In addition, the possibility of a complete history of communication with the member at the level of emails or SMS messages. Well-arranged examples of personalized newsletters, SMS or birthday cards can be viewed in the system's graphic previews.




Availibility from anywhere

Informační systém je dostupný na všech mobilních zařízeních jako jsou tablety, počítače či notebooky.
The information system is available on all mobile devices such as tablets, computers and laptops


Well-arranged database of club members

Several times a day automatically imported from the Czech Golf Federation and the Slovak Golf Association


Complete data security

Secure communication with the information system using SSL encryption certificate


Economic overviews

Clear graphs and tables of membership fees and other payments of members


On-line club application form

External website of the online application form for new members of your club


Birthday cards

Automatic sending of birthday e-mail to club members


Contacts in smartphone

Connection of your smartphone with the contact database of club members


Mailing and SMS messages

Send personalized emails and SMS messages to club members easily and with a complete history


News for site visitors

Include a form to your website to easily subscribe the newsletter



Udělejte si zajímavější klubovou jamkovku o grafický výstup výsledků na Váš klubový web



Přiveďte větší množství hráčů na HCP dny za pomoci celosezónního eklektiku


Výsledkové listiny

Dostaňte na web průběžné výsledky golfových TOUR ihned po zapsání poslední score karty





  • Přinášíme svěží IT vítr golfovým klubům a resortům
  • Díky inovacím zvyšujeme konkurenceschopnost klubů, resortů a celého odvětví
  • Baví nás hledat neprošlapané cesty a vést jimi naše klienty k úspěchu
  • Jsme respektovaní partneři a naše slovo platí



Tomáš Vrbický
zakladatel a Technical Director

Před šesti lety propadl Tomáš golfu. Postupně do něj zbláznil celou svou rodinu, manželku a dvojčata Sáru a Terezu. Vrbičtí mají golfový domov na Kořenci a trénují na vlastním driving range, který provozují v Kostelci na Hané.
Díky vlastní aktivní hře a provozu golfového areálu přichází Tomáš denně s nápady, jak zefektivnit práci golfových klubů, resortů a jak zpříjemnit a zjednodušit život golfistů.
Tomáš je mistr efektivity a time managementu. Současně řídí několik vlastních firem v IT, provozuje driving range, hraje desítky kol golfu ročně. Pokud se vám zdá, že nezbývá čas na rodinu, není tomu tak. Těžko říci, jak to všechno zvládá. Asi si na to naprogramoval nějakou aplikaci a ještě nám o ní neřekl…
Tomáš žije v Prostějově a v telefonu ho poznáte podle nezaměnitelného hanáckého dialektu.

Jirka Novosad
Business Director

Ke golfu se Jirka dostal před více než dvaceti lety, tedy v dobách stále ještě pionýrských. Postupně začal s rodiči provozovat přírodní šestijamku na Šumavě a ačkoliv to od té doby několikrát zkoušel, z golfové cesty už nesešel. Jeho golfové směřování stvrdil studijní rok ve Skotsku, kde se věnoval oboru Golf Management. Po návratu řídil golfové hřiště v Čeladné a zastupoval promotéra v pořádání turnaje European Tour, Czech Open 2011. Poslední golfovou štací bylo krásných a úspěšných sedm let v Loreta Golf Clubu Pyšely.
Jirka se vždy snaží hledat nové cesty a nebojí se riskovat v implementaci inovativních nápadů a přístupů. Díky tomu dokáže produkt, kterému se právě věnuje odlišit od ostatních a stát se leaderem daného trhu. Baví ho především obchodní strategie a marketing. Také díky jeho zkušenostem není GolferIS jen o jedničkách a nulách. Možnost konzultovat jakýkoliv problém, je samozřejmost.
Na rozdíl od Tomáše už je Jirka z nejprudší golfové horečky vyléčen a baví ho také lyže, snowboard a v létě camping a pobyt v přírodě.





  • Tomáš programs basics of GolferIS to help his friend Vlastík Štefl from Kořenec. Vlastík´s wife takes maternity leave, who takes care of the club agenda and Vlastik thinks to seek help in IT solutions. After successful implementation, the maternal leave and club agenda can be both secured comfortably from the warmth of home.
  • The Kořenec never keeps secrets for a long time, and thanks to the recommendations, the neighboring Moravian clubs are starting to use GolferIS.


  • In March Vlastík Štefl and Jirka play together in flight at a meeting of golf club managers. Jirka watches in disbelief what most clubs already know in Moravia. GolferIS is a system that golf managers have long sought.
  • In April there is a fated meeting between Tomáš and Jirka. Loreta Golf Club Pyšely, where Jirka works, will wait for the migration to the new system until autumn, but then there will be a winter dedicated to further development of the system based on requests and ideas from Loreta and other clubs.
  • During the year, GolferIS spontaneously spreads across golf clubs. Almost always on the recommendation of a golf manager / club president.


  • Loreta and dozens of clubs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia use GolferIS and Jirka is still wondering why Tomas is doing it. And how is it possible that a company with one person who has it as a hobby project, can provide above-standard customer care and meet the requirements for adjusting the system very swiftly.
  • TTomas doesn´t have enough and since his twins Sára and Tereza are training at the junior academy, he sees space for efficiency in this area. At the beginning of winter he starts with the development of a new system called TCM (Junior Training Center). It will help coaches and managers of sports clubs improve parents´ awareness and motivate juniors for more effective training.


  • In March, Jirka sits on a chairlift in Šumava, and after thoroughly thinking he becomes enlighted and it becomes clear. Tomas needs a partner to get him on full speed in GolferIS. Jirka sees himself in this role, in order not to change his mind, he writes about his idea to Tomáš immediately. He agrees without hesitation, subsequently from that moment the ideas and visions are rolling in until they are not unable to record all of them.
  • In the meantime, the Czech Golf Federation learns about the TCM and decides to deploy the software to all clubs with the Junior Training Center status as of 2020, so that it can work more efficinetly with the data and statistics of the athletes being watched. In cooperation with CGF representatives Aleš Libecajt and Petr Šavrda, the program is developing further and has the ambition to satisfy the needs of other golf federations and sports associations.
  • At the end of the year, Jirka Novosad leaves Loreta after seven years and looks forward to use his ideas and experiences in GolferIS.


  • Start of a new era. Golf clubs, resorts, look forward!



In the autumn of 2018, we first met the GolferIS program, which was introduced to the Royal Golf Club Mariánské Lázně by Tomáš Vrbický. Tomáš Vrbický was very helpful in setting up the functions, using the program and he reacted immediately if any question arose. In 2018, together with the club management, we set out to improve communication with the members through various communication channels. Because of our varied club life at RGCML, we enjoyed the GolferIS personalized newsletter feature, which we use extensively to keep our members informed about news from and outside the club. In addition, other features such as birthday cards have proved their worth, which is, in my opinion, another step to please a golf club member and to show them that they are part of the golf family within the club. In the 2019 season we started to use another feature of Eclectik, which made our club tournaments more attractive. The members had the opportunity to play for a golf cart in Eclectik, which increased interest in club tournaments and better results in RGCML tournaments. Keeping track of your members and their payments for regulations is clear and with many associated data filtering features many accountants will appreciate this program. GolferIS still surprises us with new features and we look forward to more updates!

Bc. Tereza Klečková, Office Manager
Royal Golf Club Mariánské Lázně


Thanks to Golferis all data is unified and shared, which brings considerable time savings in everyday work. Golferis is an important tool for keeping track of all our members and the associated payment information. We inform our members in bulk about the news through the newsletter. In addition, the system is very clear and intuitive. I was able to easily orientate in it and quickly find the necessary information as a new reinforcement of the Loreta Golf Club Pyšely. I would like to highlight the approach of Tomáš Vrbický and Jirka Novosad, who continuously adapt the system to our needs and always willingly advise and help in solving all our problems.

Adéla Furiková, club secretary & marketing manager


We have been using the GolferIS system in GC Ostravice for several years and it significantly simplified the work with the members. Especially with the growing number of members, the time required for administration related to registration of applications, collection of membership fees and communication with members increased. The most important thing for us is the possibility of simple and automatically updated reports on incoming payments, the possibility of automatic online registration for members and also absolutely accurate records of contacts and history of each player. The investment in the operation of the system returns many times in the saved time of employees. Moreover, the system is surprisingly simple for the user and basically requires no training.

Mgr. Jan Kastner, ředitel resortu
Golf & Ski Resort Ostravice





Do you like our Club CRM solution?

Contact us and arrange a personal presentation of our services. We will be happy to introduce you the whole system in detail and show you the possible benefits for your golf club.